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Diversity Committee

Marin CAMFT Anti-Racist Impact Statement 

Marin CAMFT is dedicated to creating healing relationships and spaces that engender safety and growth.
As an organization made up of healers, we recognize the imperative to be sensitive to the safety and needs of all the people we serve or may have the honor to serve in the future; including but not limited to: BIPOC, differently abled, LGBTQIA+. We affirm our commitment to being an anti-racist, anti-othering organization that promotes equity, inclusion and belonging.

Anti-racism is a verb. We believe that to be an anti-racist or engaged in anti-othering we must assume active responsibility and engagement on many areas. Marin CAMFT's Diversity Committee is engaged in efforts such as:

  • Ongoing education about white privilege, systemic racism, stigma (of all kinds), cultural needs/differences, cultural trauma
  • Supporting our community of therapists and ourselves in taking individual responsibility and promoting opportunities for ongoing self-reflection
  • Focus on impact (not intent)
  • Holding colleagues accountable for “do no harm”

The Diversity Committee is currently meeting quarterly with the Continuing Education Committee to help promote diversity, equity, and inclusion through the Marin CAMFT programming.

We are looking for new members to join both of these efforts! If you would like to become involved with the Diversity Committee, please email Marty at and she can share further information.

A brief history of our recent activities is below. 

April 2022: The Marin CAMFT Board of Directors voted on changing the Mission Statement based on a proposal by the Diversity Committee. The new Mission Statement as of 4/8/22, with changes marked in blue, is:

The objective and purposes of this chapter shall be to advance marriage and family therapy as an art, a science and a mental health profession, to advocate for and work to achieve diversity, inclusion, and belonging in our leadership, membership, programming, and projects, and to assist CAMFT in furthering its objective on a local level. The chapter may pursue such other objectives and purposes that are in the best interests of CAMFT, its members and the members of this chapter that are not in conflict with CAMFT's Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws or Ethical Standards for Marriage and Family Therapists.

January 2022: All Marin CAMFT members were invited to the Marin CAMFT Annual Planning Retreat on January 8th to talk about ideas with the whole chapter on increasing awareness of issues surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion, along with other conversations for membership and planning.

Then, the Diversity Committee met on January 30th to put more plans into place specific to the diversity-focused initiatives that we want to embrace as a chapter in 2022.

We hosted a Study Group in August 2021 focused on race

The Marin CAMFT Diversity Committee offered a Study Group around the book Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla F. Saad.

Me and White Supremacy by Layla F Saad

Weekly one-hour meetings every Friday in August to work through the reflections offered in this book. Assigned readings in between each meeting. Open to all current members of Marin CAMFT.  Free. Because becoming anti-racist is ongoing work.

This Study Group is being organized by the Diversity Committee, with two co-facilitators who will be serving the group to manage logistics only. This will be a participant-led experience. Because of this format, this does not meet the CAMFT requirement for training and will not qualify for CEUs.

Please consider purchasing Me and White Supremacy from a Black-owned bookstore such as this one, The Collective in Oakland.

Marin CAMFT is working to increase awareness of bias and the harms caused by inequality. Since 2020 especially, Marin CAMFT's Board of Directors has been working to increase the breadth of programming offered through our chapter's continuing education, both in content and also in representation. The Diversity Committee is part of these efforts.

The Diversity Committee meets regularly to discuss initiatives that can be promoted at the Chapter level. In 2021, we developed our Anti-Racist Impact Statement, implemented a requirement for all Marin CAMFT speakers and presenters to include at least one learning objective focused on diversity, and planned the Study Group in August.


In 2020, we published the below list of resources in five areas of diversity: Racial, LBGTQIA+, Disability, Religious, and Generational. (Thank you to 2019 President Dan Neuharth for compiling this initial list!) We welcome suggestions for other links to resources and viewpoints about diversity and inclusiveness that are especially relevant to the practice of psychotherapy, diversity awareness for therapists and clients, support for diversity among our clients, and/or diversity resources in Marin and the Bay Area. Please send comments, corrections, or additions for this page to the Marin CAMFT web editor

Note: The list below is updated only periodically. Over time, links to these external sources may stop functioning. If you find a broken link, we'd be grateful to be informed.











Racial / Ethnic Diversity

In the New York Times: It’s Hard to Search for a Therapist of Color. These Websites Want to Change That

Marin County and Bay Area Racial Diversity Resources

Multicultural Center of Marin

Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ) Marin

Black Lives Matter Resources from Do The Bay

Anti-racism Resources from Greater Good

Psychology/Psychotherapy and Racial Diversity

Rise in Anti-Asian Violence Is at the Center of Racism and Disease from NPR's Science Friday, March 2021

In the Marin CAMFT Library: Black Minds Matter presentation to Marin CAMFT by Dr. Wood, March 2021

Black Lives Matter and Psychotherapy: A Roundtable of 11 Therapists from Psyched in San Francisco

Black Lives Matter in Psychotherapy from the Society for Advancement of Psychotherapy

Diversity in the Psychology Workforce report by the American Psychological Association

The Society for Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race Division 45 of the APA

Speaking of Psychology: Understanding Your Racial Biases from the APA

Making the Counseling Profession More Diverse from Counseling Today Magazine

Institutional Racism: A Call to Action from the National Association of Social Workers

Standards for Cultural Competence from the National Association of Social Workers

Psychological Teatment of Ethnic Minority Populations from the Council of National Psychological Organizations

Diversity and Multicultural Resources from the Zur Institute

"Why I'll Be Choosing My Next Therapist By Race" by Jacy Topps in Glamour Magazine

Racial Justice and Inclusiveness Awareness: Resources and Viewpoints

Anti Racist Alliance: Undoing Structural Racism in Our Lifetime


Being AntiRacist from the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture

Black Lives Matter: Healing, Education, and Action from SummerSearch

The National Center for Cultural Competence 

Talking to Kids About Discrimination from the APA

Anti Racism Resources for White People

"Unlocking Us:" Brene Brown Podcast with Ibram X. Kendi on How to Be an Antiracist

"Can't We All Just Get Along?" A Five-Part Series on Diversity and Inclusiveness in Psychology Today

Black Lives Matter. Black Health Matters Too from To Write Love On Her Arms

Seeing White from SceneOnRadio

Resources on Anti-Asian American Pacific Islander Violence

Marin by the Numbers: Demographic Data on Race and Ethnicity

Notable Demographic Facts About Race in Marin County from the U.S. Census

Comprehensive Demographic Facts About Diversity in Marin County from DataUSA

Race and Ethnicity Figures for Marin County from the Statistic Atlas

Marin is home to 6 of the 10 most-segregated municipalities in the Bay Area from the Marin IJ

Why is Marin County So White? from KQED


Marin County and Bay Area LGBTQIA Diversity Resources

List of Resources compiled by Victoria Herzog, LMFT

The Spahr Center support for Marin's LGBTQ+ and HIV communities

LGBTQ Connection for Napa and Sonoma Counties

San Francisco LGBT Center

Lyric Center for LGBTQQ Youth

Transgender San Francisco

PFLAG SF Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

LGBT Community Resource Page from UCSF

Psychology/Psychotherapy and LGBTQIA Diversity

Practice Guidelines for LGB Clients from the APA

Gaylesta Psychotherapist Association for Gender and Sexual Diversity

LGBT Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Issues from

Resources on LGBTQ Psychology from the APA

Resources for Therapy with LGBTQIA Clients from the Zur Institute

LGBTQIA Awareness and Inclusiveness: Resources and Viewpoints

"If You’re Asking, ‘Am I Gay? Lesbian? Bi? Trans? Queer?’ Here’s a Start"  from the New York Times

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Center of New York

National LGTBQ Task Force

GLAAD, formerly the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

HRC, the Human Rights Campaign

Bisexual Resource Center


Differently-abled and Neurodiversity

Marin County and Bay Area Disability Diversity and Inclusion Resources

Marin County Health & Human Services Community Resource Guide

Matrix Parent Network and Resource Center

Golden Gate Regional Center (GGRC)

Easter Seals of Northern California

Community Alliance for Special Education (CASE)

Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD) of Northern California

Marin County Office of Education (MCOE)

College of Marin Department of Disabled Students

Access Marin

Psychology/Psychotherapy and Disability Diversity

Working With Clients with Disabilities from the Society for Advancement of Psychotherapy

Therapy with Clients with Disabilities or Chronic Illness from

Why Therapy for People With Disabilities and Special Needs Requires a Makeover from Re-set

Guidelines for Assessment and Intervention with Disabled Clients from the APA

Disability and the Counseling Relationship from the ACA Knowledge Center

Disability Awareness and Inclusiveness: Resources and Viewpoints

California MAP to Inclusion and Belonging

Guidelines for Writing About People With Disability from the Americans With Disability Act

Appropriate Terms to Use About Disability from the National Disability Authority

Disability Terminology Terms from the California Courts

The Neurodiversity Hub

What is Neurodiversity? A first-person viewpoint

What You Need to Know About Neurodiversity from

Clearing Up Some Misconceptions About Diversity from Scientific American

The Myth of the Normal Brain: Embracing Neurodiversity from the AMA Journal

Six Questions You Can Ask to Support Disability Inclusion from Northern California Grant Makers

Disability and Health Inclusion Strategies from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Disability Inclusion Strategies from the United Nations

Respectability Fighting Stigmas and Advancing Opportunities for People with Disabilities

What is Disability Inclusion from the CDC

The Diversity Project

Understanding the ADA Compliance Requirements for Websites - from CAMFT, October 2020

Religious Diversity

Marin County and Bay Area Disability Religious Diversity and Tolerance Resources

Marin Interfaith Council

Psychology/Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity and Tolerance

Counseling in the Land of Religious Liberty from the ACA

Religious Issues in Therapy from

Muslims and Depression: The Role of Religious Beliefs in Therapy from the Journal of Integrative Psychology and Therapeutics

Religious Diversity and Tolerance: Resources and Viewpoints

"One Nation: Many Gods" from Teaching Tolerance

Making Religious Minority Oppression Visible: A Call to Action from Div. 17 of the APA

Generational Diversity

Marin County and Bay Area Generational Diversity and Inclusiveness Resources

The Buck Institute

Psychology/Psychotherapy and Generational Diversity

Generational Differences in Therapy from Counseling Today

Counseling Across the Generations from the ACA

Generational Considerations for Counseling Older Adults from Research Gate

Generational Diversity: Resources and Viewpoints

Changing Aging

Let's End Ageism from Ashton Applewhite

Just How Different are Millenials, Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers at Work from the Harvard Business Review

The Real Truth About Generational Differences from Psychology Today

What Generational Differences Impact Learning at Work from Psychology Today

The Millenial Generation: A Demographic Bridge to America's Diverse Future from the Brookings Institute

Generational Differences at Work from the APA

Please note:  Marin CAMFT is not responsible for the views and content contained in any of these links. These links are intended to provide education, awareness, and promote discussion. Inclusion of these resources does not necessarily imply endorsement of the above organizations or perspectives by CAMFT, Marin CAMFT, or Marin CAMFT's officers, board, or members.

Suggestions for additional resources are welcomed. Please contact Marin CAMFT's web editor.

Marin County Chapter of CAMFT                  

PO Box 9065 San Rafael, CA 94912-9065     

(415) 459 3484

Marin CAMFT is approved by  the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT Provider #56895) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs

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