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The California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists is an independent professional organization representing the interests of licensed marriage and family therapists. With nearly 29,000 members, CAMFT is dedicated to advancing the profession as an art and a science, to maintaining high standards of professional ethics, to upholding the qualifications for the profession, and to expanding the recognition and awareness of the profession.

  Important Marin CAMFT Chapter Policy: You are required to be a current member of the California Association of 
Marriage and Family Therapists in order to be a member of Marin CAMFT.

State CAMFT contact information:

    LMFT Referrals:

    Executive Director: Joy Alafia, MBA, CAE

    Deputy Executive Director: Cathy Atkins, JD


    Members' email

    Members’ Toll Free  888-892-2638

    Main  858-292-2638
    Fax   858 292-2666

    California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
    3298 Governor Dr. #22627
    San Diego, CA 92192

Representation & Advocacy

Your CAMFT membership ensures that you and your professional goals and interests are represented in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., before Congress, the State Legislature, and the governmental bodies that affect the profession, and ultimately, affect your livelihood. CAMFT’s Executive Director, Board of Directors, legal staff, and lobbyists, collectively and actively monitor and influence the legislation impacting the profession directly and indirectly, by and through sponsoring, supporting, or opposing relevant issues as they appear before the Legislature and Congress.

Professional Resources

  • Consultation: As a member of CAMFT, you can contact us during regular business hours to obtain swift, accurate, and reliable answers to legal, business, practice, and ethical issues.
  • Magazine: The Therapist is CAMFT’s premiere bi-monthly publication. Each issue provides news and information you need to stay abreast of trends and developments in your field. The articles are invaluable to mental health professionals, interns, and students involved in the profession. The Therapist is often acclaimed by our members as a timely, useful, and practical resource.
  • CAMFT Website: Log on to to find helpful and up-to-date information at your fingertips. CAMFT’s website offers members the opportunity to access a wide array of useful articles, legislative updates, educational opportunities, and other information pertinent to your profession. A detailed list of CAMFT member benefits, as well as featured articles, HIPAA information, forms, and online issues of The Therapist, can be found in the “Members Only” section of the CAMFT website. As a member of CAMFT, you have access to this information whenever you need it.

Professional Development

  • Continuing Education: CAMFT provides its members with numerous educational opportunities to encourage individuals to stay on the cutting edge of what’s happening in the mental health field, as well as to gain hours of continuing education. These opportunities are available to CAMFT members at a discount and include: CAMFT’s Annual Conference, CAMFT’s Fall and Winter Workshops, online learning, as well as numerous self-study programs.
  • Scholarships: Various scholarships and grants are offered through CAMFT’s Educational Foundation each year. Membership in CAMFT is one of the factors considered in the scholarship and grant selection process.
  • CE Registry: Tracking your continuing education hours can be frustrating and time-consuming. For that reason, consider utilizing CAMFT’s Continuing Education Registry. CAMFT will track and maintain records of any continuing education courses that you take, for a small annual fee, if you are a CAMFT member. Your records will be kept up-to-date and accurate. In addition, you will be provided reports in a professional, understandable, and consistent format.
  • CE Finder: Are you looking for additional continuing education opportunities? An extensive list of non-CAMFT workshops, trainings, and courses can be found by utilizing CAMFT’s CE Finder.


Listservs: CAMFT’s multiple email listservs allow for live “chat” forums to discuss topics with your colleagues. There are numerous listservs to choose from, including those tailored to general members, students, educators and chapters.
Chapters: As a CAMFT member, you are eligible to belong to a local CAMFT chapter. CAMFT has twenty-seven chapters located throughout California. Participation at the local level is a great way to network with colleagues and to stay in touch with what is happening in your local area.
Mentor Program: The CAMFT Mentor Program is intended to bring together members who are willing to serve as mentors with members who are seeking guidance as they pursue the practice of the profession.


CounselingCalifornia is a comprehensive electronic directory of licensed mental health professionals. Marketing on is available for licensed members of CAMFT at no additional charge. Geared toward the consumer, this user-friendly Internet tool serves as a resource for individuals seeking professional assistance. Advertisements for are strategically placed in print and radio formats throughout California in order to reach potential clients. In addition, CAMFT and local chapters participate in numerous exhibiting events throughout the year to publicize this tool to the public. Another valuable CAMFT benefit, any licensed member of CAMFT in good standing is eligible to take advantage of this self-marketing opportunity at no charge.


CAMFT recognizes that therapists who undertake the responsibility of supervising others owe those persons a duty to possess the knowledge and skills necessary to provide competent supervision. CAMFT also recognizes that, although interrelated, supervision skills are different than clinical/treatment skills, and that knowledge and skills required for supervision and clinical treatment are different. For that reason, CAMFT has created the voluntary CAMFT Certified Supervisor Program. As a CAMFT member, you receive a discount when completing the program.

Insurance Protection

Professional Liability Insurance: CAMFT endorses state-of-the-art professional liability coverage for its members through CPH & Associates. This coverage is available to CAMFT members at very competitive rates. Are you looking for health, dental, life, disability, long-term care, cancer indemnity, homeowner's or automobile insurance? CAMFT will put you in touch with individuals who can provide you with insurance products tailored to your specific needs.

Vacation & Travel Discounts

Are you planning a vacation? Your CAMFT membership entitles you to numerous discounts, including car rentals, amusement parks, and other attractions. A list of these discounts can be found in the “Members Only” section of CAMFT’s website.

Marin County Chapter of CAMFT                  

PO Box 9065 San Rafael, CA 94912-9065     

(415) 459 3484

Marin CAMFT is approved by  the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT Provider #56895) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs

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