MCAMFT INVITES YOU TO WRITE FOR US!How to submit articles and other items for publication |
Our chapter newsletter goes out by email to our membership every quarter and we would like to make it about YOU! We welcome the creativity, inspiration, and expertise of our members, and we invite you to submit an article, story, review, poem, essay, or research for consideration for our next publication. Contributing to CONNECTIONS is a great way to share your latest discovery, epiphany, intervention, technique, or experience with colleagues in our professional community. SUBMISSION DEADLINES December 1 Winter Issue (Jan Feb Mar) March 1 Spring Issue (Apr May Jun) June 1 Summer Issue (Jul Aug Sep) September 1 Fall Issue (Oct Nov Dec) HOW TO SUBMIT
Please send your articles by email to the Marin CAMFT Newsletter Editor. Note the submission deadlines below. Along with the submission attached as a Word .doc or .docx file, please include a brief biographical statement of up to 200 words introducing the author(s) including relevant professional credentials; contact information to be posted publicly (email, phone, and/or website); and a photo at least 150px wide in either jpg or png format. NEWSLETTER TEAMLisa Wenninger, Newsletter Editor Renee Owen, Therapy Groups List | OUR EDITORIAL GUIDELINESMarin CAMFT is committed to presenting accurate information that falls within our chapter's, and State CAMFT's, ethical, advertising, and other guidelines. We are unable to accept purely promotional submissions, however we do have advertising opportunities that might be more suitable for getting the word out about your product or service. Marin CAMFT, the newsletter team, and the Board are not responsible for any misrepresentation of qualifications or credentials of contributing authors. Accuracy of information is the sole responsibility of those submitting materials. Articles and reports appearing in the Marin CAMFT Connections newsletter and Marin CAMFT Updates reflect the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the chapter. TYPES OF ARTICLESCommittee Reports: One of the most important functions of the newsletter is to keep Marin CAMFT members informed about what is happening within the community, the chapter, and the state organization that may affect them and others in the profession. In every quarterly Connection newsletter, we strive to present an article from each MCAMFT Director and Committee, to keep our membership updated. These articles are requested from each committee chair by the submission dates posted. Length may vary, though is typically around 500 words. Human Interest or Personal Essay: These articles may span a wide range of topics and are generally more personal in nature. Contributors are encouraged to write on virtually anything meaningful to them which is broadly related to marriage and family counseling, and that MCAMFT membership might be interested in. For example, you may want to write about a significant episode in your life, or the life of a friend, family member, or client that has affected you on a personal level or in your therapeutic practice. You could also submit a poem! Articles and essays ideally will be in the 400 to 1500 word range, or contact us with your ideas. Book Review: If you have read a really good book, tell us about it! Many of us don’t have time to read all the important new books being published on counseling and psychotherapy. Share something about the author, summarize the main points of the book, and explain why it is significant, how it touched you, or why you feel it is worthwhile. Usually around 500 words is a good length, or contact us to discuss. Conference Report: It would be great to get write-ups from members who attended industry conferences or events at other chapters - or even first-hand experiences and takeaways from Marin CAMFT's own workshops and programming! These can be short-and-sweet one-paragraph reactions, or you can capture more of the experience in a longer report. From 200 to 1500 words is typically good for these. Please submit immediately after the event or conference, so that we can present them in a timely manner to our members. Research Article: Marin CAMFT is interested in publishing our members' research-based articles presenting theory or practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Research for the Connections newsletter should include: an introduction, a review of the pertinent literature, a brief critical analysis, and a statement about the implications for clinical practice. Up to 3,000 words maximum will be considered.