MEMBERSHIP IN MARIN CAMFTWe'd love to have you join our dynamic group. There are many benefits to membership in Marin CAMFT! We have information on the process of joining or renewing, and how to update your profile, including your listing in the online Therapist Directory. Membership Application: Apply here for a new membership. Questions on your membership? Please email for assistance. | FEESAll new memberships are due to be renewed on January 1st. Autorenew is enabled by default, however this can be deactivated at any time by logging onto your account and following the prompts. Membership fees in effect as of 12/27/24
You must be a member of state CAMFT in order to become a member of Marin CAMFT. The state CAMFT membership is required to complete the process of registering as a member of Marin CAMFT. Students and Registered Associate members are not exempt from this requirement. |