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Marin CAMFT Therapist Directory
Therapists who are members of Marin CAMFT

Supervisors Directory

Marin CAMFT members who offer clinical supervision

Current Therapy Groups

List of group therapy offerings

Therapy Group Leader Directory

Therapists who offer therapy groups

What is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist?

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs) are  specialists who help clients with interpersonal relationships. They are trained to assess, diagnose and treat individuals, couples, families and groups to achieve more adequate, satisfying and productive marriage, family and social relationships. The practice also includes premarital counseling, child counseling, divorce or separation counseling and other relationship counseling.

LMFTs are psychotherapists and healing arts practitioners licensed by the State of California. Requirements for licensure include a related doctoral or two-year master's degree, passage of two comprehensive examinations, and at least 3,000 hours of supervised experience. To maintain their license and keep their skills up-to-date, LMFTs are required to complete 36 hours of continuing education every 2 years.

Why use a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist?

LMFTs are relationship experts! They work in private practice as well as various other settings with individuals, couples, families, children, adolescents and the elderly; providing support and perspective as clients struggle with life's challenges. LMFTs practice early crisis intervention and brief, focused psychotherapy to resolve many problems or reduce symptoms in the shortest time possible. They also have the expertise and skills where more intensive, long-term treatment is necessary to cure or relieve mental or emotional conditions.  

The information included in the Marin CAMFT Directories is supplied by those listed, who are members of the Marin County Chapter of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Marin CAMFT has not reviewed or evaluated the accuracy or completeness of the information posted by our members. Marin CAMFT does not endorse the qualifications or clinical competence of those listed, nor does it represent, recommend or assume liability for the services of members. Clients, as consumers, are encouraged to fully check out the credentials of and methods used by those they choose to employ. 

Marin County Chapter of CAMFT                  

PO Box 9065 San Rafael, CA 94912-9065     

(415) 459 3484

Marin CAMFT is approved by  the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT Provider #56895) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs

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