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Advertising is welcome in Marin CAMFT's quarterly newsletter Marin CAMFT Connections.

Marin CAMFT is committed to presenting accurate information that falls within CAMFT ethical, advertising and other guidelines. Neither the Newsletter nor the MCAMFT Board are responsible for any misrepresentation of qualifications or credentials submitted for publication. Accurate representation is the sole responsibility of those submitting advertising materials.

Please send your ads by email to web editor before the following deadlines:


Dec 1 for Winter Issue (Jan Feb Mar) published Jan 1st

Mar 1 for Spring Issue (Apr May Jun) published Apr 1st

Jun 1 for Summer Issue (Jul Aug Sep) published Jul 1st

Sep 1 for Fall Issue (Oct Nov Dec) published Oct 1st

We also may distribute periodic chapter updates, usually in the middle of the season (e.g., around May 10th for the mid-Spring update). If you have a submission or advertisement for consideration, please send it along and it is likely we can get it out to our readers soon.


Lisa Wenninger, Newsletter Editor

Renee Owen, Therapy Groups List Editor

    Put Your Logo on the Marin CAMFT Website

    You can link a logo on the Marin CAMFT website to your own website. 

               3 Months       $200       $300
               6 Months       $350       $450
               9 Months       $500       $600
              12 Months       $650       $750


    The Therapy Groups List appears on the Marin CAMFT website and in our digital Connections quarterly newsletter. Groups advertised in the list are offered by licensed psychotherapists or by individuals who are pursuing a professional license and are supervised by someone who is licensed.Marin CAMFT does not screen groups and therefore cannot take responsibility for the quality of services provided. 

    The Therapy Groups List contains paid listings from both Marin CAMFT members and non-members. It is not intended to be all-inclusive of all groups offered in this area.

    Price for TGL Listings

    • Marin CAMFT Members: $20 first listing, $10 each additional listing (same issue).
    • Non-members (including nonprofit organizations, institutions and agencies): $25 first listing, $15 each additional listing (same issue).

    Your ad will be distributed in the digital Connections newsletter and posted in the Therapy Groups List for three months.

    Please review the Submission Guidelines at the bottom of the TGL page for details on ad specs. When you are ready to pay, please scroll down to the Submit Payment section below.


    Pricing and Submission Guidelines 

    Display ads are accepted for the Marin CAMFT Connections digital newsletter.A display ad is a full-color ad, usually with graphics and text, like you might see in a magazine.

    Please submit your display ad to the editor prior to the listed Submission Deadlines above (top left), entering DISPLAY AD in the subject line. 

    • Acceptable File Formats: PNG preferred; JPEG/JPG, or PDF with fonts embedded, also accepted.
    • Maximum dimensions 900 x 600 pixels
    • Minimum 72 dpi (high-res not necessary as these are digital ads only)
    • Please include a name and phone number in your ad.

    Price for Display Ads

    • Marin CAMFT Members: $101
    • Non-members: $151
    To purchase: Click the orange button below to add the Display Ad product to your cart. Instructions with these ad specs will be provided to you once your order is submitted.

    Submit payment for Therapy Groups List advertising

    Welcome to TGL Payments!  This is an online shopping cart system. If you are a Marin CAMFT member, please log into your account first to gain access to member pricing.

    Click here to display instructions for submitting payment

    The instructions will open in a new window so you can have them accessible as you go through the process.

    Marin County Chapter of CAMFT                  

    PO Box 9065 San Rafael, CA 94912-9065     

    (415) 459 3484

    Marin CAMFT is approved by  the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT Provider #56895) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs

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