The Inaugural Fall Summit
for Prelicensed Marriage and Family Therapists
Saturday, November 8, 11:00 to 3:00
Dominican University, Edgehill Mansion, Garden Room
(Click for map)
(Click for Directions)
Explore Such Topics As:
- The BBS: Past, Present, Future
- Graduate School, The Current Landscape
- LMFT Employment Updates
- CAMFT Membership Benefits for Prelicensed Therapists
- Internships: Guidelines and Resources
With the Discussion Panel:
Tim West, PhD, LMFT, Marin CAMFT President
Patricia Ravitz, LMFT, CAMFT Board Member at Large
Mark Perlmutter, MFTI, CAMFT Prelicensed Board Member
Cathy Atkins, JD, CAMFT Deputy Executive Director
Bob Casanova, LMFT, CAMFT Board Member at Large
Chris Trailer, LMFT, CAMFT Board Member at Large
Laura Strom, LMFT, CRC, LPCC, President RECAMFT, CAMFT President Elect
Summit Agenda:
10:30 |
Registration |
11:00 |
Welcome speech from Tim West, MCAMFT President |
11:15 |
Opening Exercise facilitated by Ilene Wolff, LMFT |
11:30 |
Panel Introductions |
11:45 |
The Road to Licensure, presented by Cathy Atkins, followed by a brief question and answer session |
12:45 |
Lunch break - a box lunch will be provided |
1:30 |
Question and answer session to be facilitated between the attendees and panel members (see below*) |
2:15 |
Pat Saunders, LMFT, MCAMFT President Elect welcomes prelicensed members to join MCAMFT's Board and Committees |
2:30 |
Overview of the benefits of membership in Marin CAMFT: Nerina Cecchin, PhD, LMFT, MCAMFT Membership DAL |
2:45 |
Concluding Remarks from Tim West, MCAMFT President |
3:00 |
Attendees and Panel members are invited to stay for a brief post-summit reception
*Participate in the Panel Discussion:
Jessie Bannister, MFTI, Marin CAMFT Prelicensed Director at Large
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