This is our first Friday CE Series program in our new location (185 North Redwood Highway, San Rafael, 94903) and we are celebrating that with a catered lunch! We are asking you to register for the event so that we have an accurate headcount for lunch--as always, lunch is FREE for members!
Friday, September 13, 2019
THE STATE OF THE PROFESSION with CAMFT Executive Director, Nabil El-Ghoroury, PhD, CAE
PANEL DISCUSSION: THERAPIST SELF-CARE: PREVENTING AND COPING WITH BURNOUT with Monica Elden, LMFT, Victoria Herzog, LMFT, Nabil El-Goroury, PhD, moderated by Dan Neuharth, PhD, LMFT.
Nabil El-Ghoroury, PhD, CAE, will present an update on the current status of state and federal legislation affecting LMFTs, covering state and federal legislation that could impact LMFT practice, BBS regulatory topics. He will also address resources for legal consultation for legal and ethical practice that CAMFT provides to its members.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about at least 3 pending legislations and how marriage and family therapists may be impacted by the bills.
- Identify 1 resource for legal consultation for therapists.
Nabil Hassan El-Ghoroury, PhD, CAE, is the Executive Director of the California
Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT). In this role he represents over 32,000 marriage and family therapists and trainees in the state of California.
Prior to coming to CAMFT, Nabil served as Associate Executive Director at the American Psychological Association (APA), where he directed the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS), the graduate student group within APA. In this role he functioned as the CEO of a medium-sized association (approximately 28,000 members), providing leadership, management, coordination and evaluation of all projects and activities for the organization.
Dr. El-Ghoroury practiced as a pediatric psychologist for 7 years at MetroHealth Medical Center. He was faculty in Case School of Medicine in Pediatrics and the Center for Reducing Health Disparities. He was also adjunct faculty in the Department of Psychology at Case Western Reserve University. Nabil saw patients with a variety of mental health and health conditions in the Pediatrics Department, served as the consulting psychologist for a bilingual pediatric primary care clinic. As his clinic’s only bilingual (Spanish-speaking) mental health provider at the time, Nabil treated many monolingual Spanish-speaking and bilingual children and families. While he was working at MetroHealth, he received loan repayment through the National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program.
Nabil has been recognized by his peers for his work. He won the Student Research Prize from the Autism Special Interest Group of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy for his master’s thesis examining how family members played with children with autism. He was awarded the Achievement in Public Information Award by the Ohio Psychological Association in recognition of providing media outreach in Spanish after the Virginia Tech shooting. Most recently, he was accepted into American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) Diversity Executive Leadership Program for 2016-2018.
Dr. El-Ghoroury has been involved in associations as a leader. He was a founding board member of the American Arab, North African, and Middle Easter Psychological Association. He served as Chair of the Committee on Early Career Psychologists for APA. He volunteered as Chair of the Public Education Campaign for the Ohio Psychological Association. He was a student representative to the APA Ethics Code Task, where he helped update the ethical standards that are followed by all psychologists in the US. Currently he serves on the Ethics Committee for ASAE.
Nabil has presented at numerous national conferences on topics related to student and professional development in psychology, leadership opportunities for graduate students, social media, and health and educational disparities in autism. He has spoken frequently about how to afford graduate school and has described the NHSC Loan Repayment Program to numerous audiences of students and recent doctorateHe was a keynote speaker for the 2012 Hawaii Psychological Association annual conference. Fully fluent in Spanish, he has presented in Spanish at several conferences in Latin America, including Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, and Cuba.
Nabil received his Bachelor’s in psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles, and his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Binghamton University.
From 1:00 to 2:00 - Immediately following Dr. Ghoroury's talk, Marin CAMFT will present a panel discussion:
Therapist Self Care: Preventing and Coping with Burnout
- Panelists: Monica Elden, MA, LMFT
- Nabil El Ghoroury, PhD, CAE
- Victoria Herzog, MA, LMFT
- Moderator: Dan Neuharth, PhD, LMFT
This one-hour panel discussion will explore the risks and causes of professional burnout among psychotherapists and will identify some of the best approaches for preventing and surviving burnout. Attendees will learn to identify potential barriers to self-care and methods for achieving and maintaining a healthy balance between personal and professional demands. Attendees will receive an instrument to assess their own state of self-care and possible burnout. The panel discussion will also include ideas to use with clients who are coping with self-care and burnout issues.
This program is appropriate for licensed and prelicensed psychotherapists as well as others in the helping professions.
Monica Elden, LMFT, (LMFT#37734) is a therapist, facilitator, coach and
corporate trainer. She works with individuals, groups and organizations to help them achieve their goals for personal and professional growth. Monica has a passion for helping people move from stress and illness to listening to the wisdom of their body. She created her consultancy, Wellbeing Embodied, to focus on cultivating wholeness through mind-body practices. For 10 years, Monica lead multi-session workshops at Kaiser Permanente concerning depression, anxiety, stress management and assertive communication. Self-care was a central piece and a core developmental skill for each course. She has also recorded guided meditations to support the unique self-care issues that health care professionals fac
Victoria Herzog, LMFT, (LMFT#47418) is a tri-lingual therapist, trainer, consultant and clinical supervisor. She is an attachment- and trauma-informed
therapist who works with teens, adults, families, and couples in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. She also has a special interest in working with under-represented clients, such as immigrants, racial, and sexual and gender minorities, in part due to her own multicultural background including growing up in Peru and Brazil. Victoria worked as both a therapist and clinical supervisor in community agencies, schools, and a reproductive clinic for teens and young adults before opening a full-time practice in Novato. She is the current Secretary of the Board of Directors of Marin CAMFT. She delivers trainings and consultations on many topics, including trauma, parenting skills, adolescent development, motivational interviewing, sexual orientation and gender identity, unconscious/implicit bias and culturally inclusive therapy.
Nabil El-Ghoroury, PhD, CAE is the Executive Director of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. After completing his doctorate in clinical
psychology from Binghamton University, he practiced for 7 years at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland as a licensed psychologist. Prior to coming to CAMFT, he was an Associate Executive Director for the American Psychological Association, where he served as the director of the graduate student office. He has presented at numerous conferences (in English and in Spanish) on issues such as student development in psychology, professional and legal issues in the use of social media, and health/educational disparities in autism spectrum disorders.
Dan Neuharth, PhD, LMFT (LMFT#29178) is the current President of the Marin County Chapter of CAMFT. He has been in private practice as a licensed marriage and family therapist in Marin County for 25 years. He is an author and blogger on mental health issues including relationships, personality disorders and overcoming self-sabotaging behavior.
- Time: The catered lunch will be from 11:30 to 12:00 pm No formal networking is scheduled. The presentation begins at 12:00 pm and ends at 2:00 pm.
- Cost: Free for Marin CAMFT members, $10 for non-members.
- Location: 185 North Redwood Highway, San Rafael, CA 94903 - Mount Tamalpais Conference Room
- Information: For more information about the Friday Continuing Education Series and about joining the Committee, please contact CE Director, Laurie Buntain.
- Continuing Education Goal: Marin CAMFT is committed to offering continuing education courses to train LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs to treat any client in an ethically and clinically sound manner based upon current accepted standards of practice. Course completion certificates will be awarded at the conclusion of the training and upon participant’s submission of his or her completed evaluation.
- Refund Policy: Requests for refunds must be in writing and received by the CE Director on no later than ten days before the program. There will be a $25.00 administrative fee to cancel registration for any program. The refund will be sent within ten days of the request.
- Accommodation for Special Needs: The special needs of persons with disabilities will be accommodated. The Program Committee will endeavor to assure that continuing education program materials, content and venue selections will meet the special needs of the disabled and that reasonable accommodation will be made. A request for accommodation can be made to the CE Director, who will work with the Committee and event venue to meet the need. All instructors will read and adhere to Marin CAMFT’s stated policies.
- Marin CAMFT encourages those who attend its events to respect the fact that some individuals may have allergies to fragrances and pet dander. We ask that you refrain from introducing these elements into our meeting room. Registered service animals are welcome, of course.
- Grievance Procedure: Marin CAMFT will respond to complaints in a reasonable, ethical and timely manner, when submitted by program attendees in writing to the CE Director.
- Anti-Discrimination Policy: Marin CAMFT shall not discriminate against any individual or group with respect to any service, program or activity based on gender, race, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, age or other prohibited basis. Marin CAMFT does not require attendees to adhere to any particular religion or creed in order to participate in training. Marin CAMFT will not promote or advocate for a single modality of treatment that is discriminatory or likely to harm clients based on current accepted standards or practice.
- CE: This workshop meets the qualifications for two hours of continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LEPs and LPCCs. These will be provided by Marin CAMFT (CEP # 56895), which is approved by CAMFT to sponsor CE for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs. Marin CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program and its contents contact Laurie Buntain, Continuing Education Director for more information.