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🎧 Special Saturday CE Event: Strengthening Resilience in these Challenging Times of the Pandemic, Racial Injustice, and Social Inequity, with Linda Graham LMFT

  • Sat, September 19, 2020
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Advance Registration REQUIRED for this Online Event


  • Coping with the Uncertainties of the Coronavirus Pandemic & Owning Up to the Realities of Racial Injustice and Social Inequity, with Linda Graham LMFT
  • Coping with the Uncertainties of the Coronavirus Pandemic & Owning Up to the Realities of Racial Injustice and Social Inequity, with Linda Graham LMFT

Registration is closed

This event has passed, but the audio recording is available for Marin CAMFT members in our Podcast Audio Library!
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We are delighted to offer this special event, which is free to Marin CAMFT members. It is being offered in addition to our usual free monthly Friday CE events for members. (Non-Marin CAMFT members can attend and receive 2 CE units for $10.)

"Strengthening Resilience in these Challenging Times:

Coping with the Uncertainties of the Coronavirus Pandemic; Owning Up to the Realities of Racial Injustice and Social Inequity"

With Linda Graham LMFT

Dealing effectively with the stressors and adversities of life is at the core of our resilience and well-being. Helping clients cope with everyday disappointments and extraordinary disasters is at the heart of the therapeutic process.

Now we are called up to help clients cope as well, with the uncertainties and collective anxiety of a global pandemic and global climate change, the growing awareness of racial injustice and economic inequity in our larger communities, the need to not only bounce back to “normal” but to bounce forward to an emerging new normal.

"Resilience is not about being untouched by adversity or unruffled by difficulties. To be resilient is not to avoid difficulty but to play an active role in how difficulty transforms you." — Kelly McGonigal, PhD, health psychologist, Stanford University.

This webinar focuses on:

1) Resilience

  • Our evolving understanding of the essential elements of coping skillfully with adversity.
  • Empirically-validated tools and practices that help clients rewire coping strategies that are defensive, dysfunctional, and blocking of growth, and encode new more flexible patterns of response in ways that are safe, efficient, and effective.
  • Experiences that maximize clients’ choices right now…and for the long haul

2) The Pandemic

  • The unique impacts of the uncertainties and collective anxiety of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic
  • The need for the stability of resources, structure, routine
  • The essential support of relationships and connections
  • Cultivating a resilience mindset; learning from the AFGO’s – another frickin’ growth opportunity

3)  Racial Injustice and Social Inequity

  • Growing awareness of the devastating impacts of the “isms” – historical, systemic, ongoing racism, classism, sexism – on our clients, on ourselves
  • The evolutionarily hard-wired biological roots of “othering”
  • Growing awareness of the role of white privilege in our personal and professional lives
  • Resources for the clinical transition from cultural competence to antiracism

4)  Response-ability

  • Resilience beyond the personal self
  • Maturation of the brain’s center of executive functioning
  • The centrality of choice, the deepening of a moral compass

How you respond to the issue….is the issue. – Frankie Perez

This Zoom webinar will provide time for live Q&A and discussion after each segment of the formal presentation.


  1. Identify five strengths, traits, or behaviors of resilience each client already has
  2. Implement three tools to help clients recover the natural baseline equilibrium of their nervous system. (Range of resilience.)
  3. Teach clients three tools to cultivate the positive emotional experiences that shift the functioning of the brain from negativity, contraction, reactivity to more receptivity, openness to learning. (Direct measurable outcome is resilience.)
  4. Teach clients three practices to develop a resilience mindset.
  5. Teach clients three practices to increase their awareness of “othering”


Linda Graham, MFT is an experienced psychotherapist and resilience coach in Corte Madera, CA. Linda integrates modern neuroscience, mindfulness, and relational psychology in her national and international trainings.   She is the author of Resilience: Powerful Practices for Bouncing Back from Disappointment, Difficulty, and Even Disaster and the award-winning Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being. 10 years of weekly Resources for Recovering Resilience are archived at


Zoom link and Password will be emailed upon registration

PLEASE NOTE: This event will be video recorded. By registering for this event you are consenting to a recording being made which may include your name and a video of you in attendance. In addition, an audio recording of this event will be posted on the Marin CAMFT website's events library, and available to members for review and downloading. By registering for this event you are consenting to be recorded and are aware that the recording may be accessed by Marin CAMFT members. If you ask questions or make comments during this event, be aware that your question, name, and/or voice may be contained in this recording.his event will be recorded.

  • Time: 9 am to 11 am
  • Cost: Free for Marin CAMFT members, $10 for non-members.
  • Location:  Online via Zoom. Password and link sent upon registration.
  • Information: For more information about the Friday Continuing Education Series and about joining the Committee, please contact CE Director, Pat Saunders.
  • Continuing Education Goal: Marin CAMFT is committed to offering continuing education courses to train LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs to treat any client in an ethically and clinically sound manner based upon current accepted standards of practice. Course completion certificates will be awarded at the conclusion of the training and upon participant’s submission of his or her completed evaluation. 
  • Refund Policy: Requests for refunds must be in writing and received by the CE Director on no later than ten days before the program. There will be a $25.00 administrative fee to cancel registration for any program. The refund will be sent within ten days of the request.
  • Marin CAMFT encourages those who attend its events to respect the fact that some individuals may have allergies to fragrances and pet dander. We ask that you refrain from introducing these elements into our meeting room. Registered service animals are welcome, of course.
  • Grievance Procedure: Marin CAMFT will respond to complaints in a reasonable, ethical and timely manner, when submitted by program attendees in writing to the CE Director.
  • Anti-Discrimination Policy: Marin CAMFT shall not discriminate against any individual or group with respect to any service, program or activity based on gender, race, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, age or other prohibited basis. Marin CAMFT does not require attendees to adhere to any particular religion or creed in order to participate in training. Marin CAMFT will not promote or advocate for a single modality of treatment that is discriminatory or likely to harm clients based on current accepted standards or practice.
  • CE: This workshop meets the qualifications for two hours of continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LEPs and LPCCs. These will be provided by Marin CAMFT (CAMFT Provider # 56895), which is approved by CAMFT to sponsor CE for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs. Marin CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program and its contents contact Pat SaundersCE Director for more information.

Marin County Chapter of CAMFT                  

PO Box 9065 San Rafael, CA 94912-9065     

(415) 459 3484

Marin CAMFT is approved by  the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT Provider #56895) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs

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