This event has passed, but the audio recording is available for Marin CAMFT members in our Podcast Audio Library!Not yet a member? Find out more here!
Many who seek psychotherapy either came to the United States from another culture as children or were born here. Surrounded by peers who look and speak differently, they often have the added burden of parents relying on them to help navigate in a new country. Eager to “fit in” they become hyper-focused on conforming and achieving, feeling tremendous pressure to go above and beyond what is expected. The very qualities that contribute to their success in the world often perpetuate their unhappiness and disconnection from themselves. There are some similar and consistent psychological dynamics regardless of cultural background. In their early experience in school these clients are aware that they look, sound and view the world differently. Their profound sense of being “other” often leaves them feeling shame and a sense of inferiority. They become adept at taking their cues for how to act by looking outside of themselves, and molding their responses to fit others expectations. Through lecture as well as dyad work, this webinar will offer a deeper understanding into the unique survival strategies that cultural outsiders employ in an attempt to cope with the difficulties that arise from feeling different. In this webinar, participants will also learn a powerful intervention called “piercing the threat” designed to assist clients with deconstructing an identity and sense of worth that revolves around performance, how they are being perceived, and their usefulness to others. Helping clients shift the specific ways that they define themselves and measure their self-worth can help free them to create a life on their own terms.
Participants will be able to:
Dennis Portnoy is a psychotherapist in private practice in San Francisco for over 30 years. He is author of THE INTRINSIC SELF: How defining yourself and your worth by your achievements and usefulness is undermining your happiness and serenity.
He has published numerous articles and offers presentations on compassion fatigue and self-care for people in helping roles. More information is available at
Upon registering you will receive a Zoom link and password
Audio recordings of the event and any handouts will be made available to all registrants after the presentation. By registering for this event, you are giving your permission to be recorded as part of the session.
CEUs are available for live attendance only. You must complete the evaluation at the end in order to receive a completion certificate.
Marin County Chapter of CAMFT
PO Box 9065 San Rafael, CA 94912-9065
(415) 459 3484
Marin CAMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT Provider #56895) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs