After a series of young teenage girls visited the Center reporting that they were raped by a person they met on their social networking site, Dr. Grogan realized that the magic of technology created new challenges for teenagers. In response to hearing about those girls’ experiences, with the help of a colleague at the district attorney’s office Dr. Grogan wrote a script for a film dealing with the phenomenon of “sexting” and rape. The film, Irreversible Consequences, was produced and has now been seen by over 5,000 middle and high school Marin students.
With the success of the first film, Dr. Grogan wrote a second script based on the true story of a young teenage girl who was cyber-bullied to the point that she attempted to kill herself. This film, Malicious Intent, was recently produced and will be shown at the October meeting of Marin CAMFT. Dr. Grogan will also bring a high school student to give participants insight into how this issue is affecting young people today.
Marin County Chapter of CAMFT
PO Box 9065 San Rafael, CA 94912-9065
(415) 459 3484
Marin CAMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT Provider #56895) to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs